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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top Technologies of 2012: 3D Printers, Personal Space Travel and The Connected Living Room

Power to the Common Man

We've heard well enough about how technology is expanding exponentially, but what nobody's talking about is how we, as people... are not. The common man resents, fears and will rebel against a technocracy, so technology is at its best when it's available and accessible to the common man. Like Prometheus stealing fire from the gods to give to the masses (minus the daily eagle tearing your liver out thing) the top technologies of the day place power over runaway technology into the hands of regular people.

3D Printing

3D Printing: It's Like Netflix for Solid Objects

Top Technologies of 2012: 3D Printers, Personal Space Travel and The Connected Living Room

What could be better than your own, private Star Trek Replicator? Enter your selection, press a button, and the machine spits out a Salisbury steak dinner... Or, a distributor cap... We're not quite there yet, but 3D printing offers up a reasonable facsimile (no pun intended). All you need is 3D software, a 3D printer and the wherewithal to design your own computerized geometric renderings and, voila! Things on demand! Industry has been 3D printing things for years, now. Manufacturers have 3D printed components for everything from cars to buildings to jet planes. The medical community uses some of the same principles as3D printing to engineer human organs.

Rising printer sales over the last ten years have driven down prices and, on top of that, the Replication Rapid-Prototyper (RepRap) Project has advanced an open-source 3D printer technology upon which a plethora of companieslike BotMill and Bits From Bytes have built ultra-cheap 3D printers. What's more, 3D printing services have sprung up around the web, from consumer-friendly Shapeways to the higher-end industry-grade Redeye.

The confluence of these events has resulted in making 3D printing at home an affordable proposition. Hobbyists can fashion jewelry and knick-knacks in the comfort of your own home. Artists can sculpt statues without getting their hands dirty. As awareness of 3D printing grows, so too will demand and, with that, new services will surely follow. All this makes this one a technology to watch in 2012.

Space, the Private Frontier?

Even since we humans spent our nights huddled around campfires on the open savannah, we've ever looked at the moon and stars and wondered, dreamed up stories and formulated hypotheses about what's up there. It is for this reason that the moon landing in 1969 is the most momentous event in human history. Today, we're left wondering "what happened to all that?"

In 2010, President Obama scuttled the space shuttle and effectively drove the last nail into U.S. aspirations toward space. In hindsight, the space race was more about gaining the upper hand in the Cold War than it was about realizing our destiny in the stars. When the Berlin Wall came down, so did any hope of exploring our universe in earnest.

However, since the turn of the century, commercial availability of aerospace technology has broadened to the point that "going where no man has gone before" may pass from the purview of government to the hands of private enterprise.

Though we've been hearing about Virgin Galactic-brainchild of the ever-mercurial Richard Branson-since 2004, the privatized purveyor of suborbital spaceflights has yet to get off the ground. But this might just be the year they make it happen. The company plans to conduct powered test flights in 2012 in the hope of getting to space. So far, over 450 people have signed up to ride in Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo (which seats six) for their six minutes in the sun. Tickets to ride Virgin Galactic start at 0,000 per. Compare this with the 5 million-adjusted for inflation-it cost to put Alan Shepard in space on the Mercury-Redstone 3 mission. And what's 200 grand anyway? You could find that in your couch.

Speaking of Your Couch...

Our number three tech of the year is a little closer to home. I'm talking about the living room, in this case, the connected living room.

So much attention of late has been placed on mobile, but the real goings on are in the immobile. Increasingly, when at home, our principal connection with the outside world takes place through our televisions.

A number of companies are vying for the coveted spot of gatekeeper of that connection, but they're taking different approaches to that end. On the one hand, you've got Microsoft, who is busy proving that the Xbox 360 is more than just a games console. The company has formed media partnerships with broadcasters and content providers like Netflix and Pandora, and these initiatives position it to become the one-box stop in the connected living rooms around the world. The other side of that coin is smarter televisions. Connected TV platforms strive to combine the best of both TV and the internet. The interactive, open-standards-based HbbTV is right now gaining momentum in Europe and GoogleTV has been picking up steam in the States. Mirroring Microsoft's recent moves, GoogleTV has allied with cloud gaming provider OnLive and, clearly, they're positioning themselves to take on Microsoft head-on.

These are simply two different approaches to the same end: one device to rule all them living rooms. One area where Microsoft maintains an edge is its Kinect motion sensing input device. Recent Xbox initiatives already afford consumers gestural, even voice control over their viewing experience, and we can expect more out of Microsoft as the year progresses. Also, be on the lookout for television manufacturers equipping their new wares with these same features.

Top Technologies of 2012: 3D Printers, Personal Space Travel and The Connected Living Room

Quinn Farhessi
Technologist & 3D-Printing Consultant

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How To Put Videos On PSP

There's not really a definitive way of how to put video on PSP, but there's a fast and easy way, and this is it. It's not rocket science, but Sony hasn't made putting video on a PSP as simple and straightforward a task as they should have done. But that doesn't mean it can't be simple. Here's how to do it...

You need a memory card with a lot of memory, unless you want to watch tiny little videos that might just fit onto the PSP's default 32Mb memory card. Videos are big files and they take up a lot of space; 32Mb doesn't go far. Go for half a gigabyte at least.

There's lots of places where you can get one. are good. Their SanDisk SDMSPD-512A10 512Mb Pro Duo memory stick is currently less than . Do a search on Amazon for it in the electronics category. If you don't have a Sony product, you'll need a USB cable for the PSP. Again, Amazon have them and they're cheap. Search for a PSP USB Data Cable.

How To Put Videos On PSP

At this point it is assumed that you have access to a computer connected to the Internet. Dialup might work, but you really need a high-speed connection. The good news for any Mac users is that this method works for you as well as for the PC.

OK, here we go...

With the PSP switched off, connect the USB cable to the PSP and to the computer, then switch on the PSP. On the PSP access: Settings > USB Connection. Next, press the X button to boot the PSP on to the computer, where it will appear on the desktop as an untitled volume. Inside the memory card you should see a folder named "PSP" and inside that folder there will be four sub-folders of, "Games", "Music", "Saveddata", and "Photo". You must add a new folder here named, "MP_ROOT" (without the quotes) which must be in the same level as the "PSP" folder. Under the "MP_ROOT" folder add a sub-folder named "100MNV01" -- this is where your MP4 videos and their accompanying thumbnail files (*.THM) will be stored.

Now all you need to do is start downloading MP4 videos. A search for "MP4 videos" in Google in July of 2006 brought up 4,660,000 results, so there's plenty to choose from! Once you have your video(s) downloaded on to your PSP, go to Video > Memory Stick, and there you should see the thumbnail file of the video. To play the video, click on the thumbnail. You can access the screen display modes via the triangle button. There are four to choose from. Now you know how to put videos on PSP, so enjoy your viewing!

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John Coutts is an experienced author who writes on a variety of popular subjects. Did you find these tips useful? You can learn a lot more about how to put videos on psp from this resource,

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Make Your Own Magic Eye 3D Stereogram Images

Magic Eye 3D Stereograms, indeed a new way of looking at the world. What are them? Well, they are optical illusions, hidden images inside another image.

If you can't see them, its difficult to understand how can be this possible, but its not that difficult. There are other images that when you look at them from close distance they show something and when looked from far away they appear to be something different. Basically a stereogram is a 3D image hidden in a 2D image. Usually the 2D image is nothing more than random dots or some sort of pattern, but when looked in a special way, you will see a 3D shape.

How to make a stereogram of your own? Well, you will need a computer program to assist you in this task. What you need is a pattern and a mask. The mask is the most difficult to make for your own. This is actually a depth mask, and is in black and white, where the whiter a point is the closest it is to you. You can try with the paint program, but its difficult to have good results. Usually a mask is made with a 3D rendering program (like 3D Studio), that can generate depth masks according to the way you view the 3D object (you can rotate it, move it closer or further away, etc).

How to Make Your Own Magic Eye 3D Stereogram Images

Another kind of stereogram is made by simply taking 2 photos of the same object from 2 slightly different positions. You can think of the human eyes like 2 photo cameras, the eyes are slightly apart, this gives us the depth feeling. And this depth feeling is what we are trying to achieve.

How to view a magic eye 3d stereogram:

Bring the stereogram image really close to your eyes (until you touch it with your nose). At this distance your eyes cannot focus on the image and they look somewhere behind the image. Now, slowly push the image away from you, while trying to keep the eyes off focus. At some point you will see the hidden image.

Another method is to take an object and put it behind the image (about half of meter behind it). Now, focus on the object behind the image while keeping the eyes looking at the image.

Do you remember how is the feeling when you are drunk? Your eyes don't look at the object around you, but rather through them. Well, this is actually what we are trying to achieve (look through the object, not get drunk, loll). If you can manage to get your eyes off focus, at some point you will be able to see the hidden image.

If you're not train to look at stereograms, this might take you some time. First time I've looked at a stereogram it took me like an hour to finally be able to focus the eyes correctly to see the 3D image.

Catalin Catana

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Putting Your Favourite Song Lyrics Onto a Canvas Print

So everybody has a favourite musician, band or song. It's a fact of life isn't it. All your friends may disagree with your choice but never the less they are your chosen favourite. It doesn't matter what other people think anyway!

A very popular way to show off your love of this is to have your favourite song lyrics added to a canvas print with a picture of the artist as well. They are eye catching, look fantastic & perhaps most importantly of all don't break the bank!

The great thing with these are that they are custom canvas prints made to look exactly how you want. For example some of my favourite artist's include Elvis Presley, The Beatles (in particular John Lennon) and Oasis so I made up some designs of my own to get printed. I got Imagine by John Lennon printed onto a white background with black font and a picture of him on the side, with Elvis I got If I Can Dream lyrics printed onto a black background with white writing & then finally I got the lyrics to Live Forever by Oasis on my last one with a photo of Noel Gallagher.

Putting Your Favourite Song Lyrics Onto a Canvas Print

These prints look particularly striking with white writing printed onto a black background. You can have any colours you like but this is a classic that always works, well I think so anyway!

These art prints don't just work for song lyrics though, why not get your favourite motivational quote printed onto canvas so you can see it everyday to inspire you to greatness. It doesn't have to be a serious motivational quote it could be a witty one liner from your favourite sitcom, TV show or film. The motivational prints are a perfect way to decorate your office & meeting rooms to inspire your employees.

Or finally you could get a print of your favourite sportsman or team. I love tennis & my favourite player is Roger Federer so I printed an image of him with snippet of a speech he gave after winning Wimbledon one year. It looks great especially as canvas prints are 3D which makes them look so much better than a standard poster or picture in a frame.

Why not give it ago. Your own personal canvas print! I know I would rather something on my wall that was unique to me rather than a standard picture that thousands of people around the world have on their wall.

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My name is Lee Mendez & I am a huge art & music fan. So I am very lucky in that I can link the 2 together through my business which is canvas printing. Please feel free to take a quick look at where you can purchase online through our secure website or if you want to upload your own photo to us just click here I am based in the UK but offer international postage so why not check us out as I guarantee we will have something that will catch your eye!

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Photo Insert Christmas Cards - Great Ideas You Could Use This Year

With photo insert Christmas cards we can personalize our cards with memorable images and at the same time be extremely original. Here are a few ideas for you to use this year.

- Went on holidays, took photographs and placed them inside the draw? Those forgotten pictures will serve you very well this Christmas. Choose your favorite ones, cut them accordingly, place them on your photo insert Christmas card neatly, write a fantastic message and you will have your friends and family smiling.

- Make your own from scratch. Buy some nice colored cardboard, ask your children to draw their favorite Christmas themed pictures, stick some glitter around the edges, place an image of the whole family and your card is ready to go.

Photo Insert Christmas Cards - Great Ideas You Could Use This Year

- Ask your children to recreate a scene of their favorite Christmas film. Take lots of photos so you will have a nice range to choose from. Upload them to your computer, retouch them if you have the skills and print them out (if the quality of your printer is not very good, take them to a professional printing place).

- Think of funny situations that will make your family laugh this Christmas. Photo insert cards are easy to find but they are not worth much if the photo you add inside is dull. Maybe the family pet with a Santa hat on, or a picture of your kids after they have eaten chocolate fudge cake!

- When the family lives far away a photo insert Christmas card can be really convenient. If they have not had the time to visit you, you can use the insert cards to show them where you live and your surroundings.

- 3D Christmas cards will give the wow factor to anyone who receives them. A good idea would be to cut out small pictures of your family and glue them to different parts of the card. A photo insert with double surprise!

- With Photoshop you can create backgrounds, add fake "make-up" and props, change tonal ranges and turn black and white pictures into color ones and vice-versa. If your family has seen all your pictures before, if is for sure they have not seen these new versions you are going to create for them this Christmas!

The beauty of photo insert Christmas cards is that you are free to embellish them as you see fit for each one of your family members, colleagues and friends! Hope you have fun!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3D Printing Technology

The initiation of the 3D printing technology brings about some innovative and thrilling possibilities, specifically towards those engrossed in any kind of art. 3D printing is more multifaceted compared to the other printing methods. However, as a consumer, you just need almost certainly be familiar with the basics.

3D printing is an only one of its kind that involves a three-dimensional of fabrication of assorted objects being made by connecting and layering the materials. By the use of any inkjet print head, the piece of equipment applies a bonding agent which contains more than a few layers of resin influence which are then dispersed and fused. Fundamentally, 3D printers are capable of creating any three-dimensional object which can be modified by the use of a computer-regardless of how complex the process is.

Together with almost all the technological advancement, 3D copier have improved over and over again together with their prices. 3D copier are usually less expensive, faster, and simpler to make use of rather than some fabrication technologies. Manufacturing industries is actually enjoying the benefits brought by the use of 3D printers which includes those in jewelry, architecture, automotives, medicine and footwear. Take for an example an orthopedic surgeon using the technology of 3D printing to model a pattern for a patient's hip or knee joint. Then, he can place on top the images of an MRI scan and the imitated development of a new cartilage.

3D Printing Technology

Evidently, 3D printing is not just, in some degree, made available for industries that have been mentioned above. Most consumers concerned in various fields can actually acquire uses of these tools. The following are some of the most important characteristics of a #D printing technology:

A. 3D printers are fairly cheap to maintain easy to use as well as decrease the amount of labor work
B. 3D printers can construct very petite parts which are small which can fit into an 8-inch cube) contradictory to what they believe
C. They can also be utilized in a setting in offices since they usually use materials within a cartridge as well as other enclosed ways.

Since the continued development of 3D printers and its uses, its price also have soared high resulting them to be caged and manipulated by major corporations and elite firms with their designs and shopping departments. It was foreseen that the number of 3D printers in homes and business establishments will increase rapidly.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to Get Better Search Engine Placement - 5 Easy Ways to Improve Search Engine Ranking

Are you trying to figure out how to get better search engine placement? I certainly don't blame you. After all, did you know that the top three listings on Google's first page of results capture about 98% of the traffic? And of course, the site sitting in position #1 is grabbing most of that 98% percent. Ohhh, I do love being in the first position.

I'm guessing that's where you want to be too. Well, here are some things you need to know to help learn how to get better search engine placement.

On page optimization - on page optimization consists of displaying certain data and information on your website in a certain way. By doing this you've told Google and the other search engines what your site is about rather than having them guess or make some "analytic" assumptions regarding what it's about.

How to Get Better Search Engine Placement - 5 Easy Ways to Improve Search Engine Ranking

There are some specific things that should be done to accomplish this goal. And many of these actions have been confirmed by Google as directly affecting how it looks at and reads a site. The following list covers some of those items that will help get better search engine placement.

Domain name - Choose a domain name for your site that includes your keyword. An exact match of your keyword is typically best although variations haven been proven to be effective as well.

Title tags - Include your keyword in your title tag. What better way to tell the search engines what your site is about than include the keyword in the title of site? In fact, you should use as many keywords in your title as possible while still having the title make sense to the search engines and your readers

Meta description - Apply the same theory regarding your keywords to your meta description as you did the title tag. The obvious difference is that title of your site is essentially a one-line statement where the description tells what your site is about. Again, the description should include as many keywords as possible while still making sense to the search engines and the readers.

Alt image tags - These tags are basically the text associated with the image. The search engine spiders can't read what an image is about. However, they can read the text in an alt image tag. In doing that they can tell what the site is about. This is why you want to use your keyword in your alt image tag.

Anchor links - Anchor links are very similar to alt image tags in that you can use them to tie your keyword to the link to your website. Google, Yahoo, Bing, and the other engines see the correlation and connect the keyword to the link.

Understanding off page optimization is also another critical topic in learning how to get better search engine placement. Off page optimization for the purpose of this article are the things you do outside of your webpage that help to raise your placement in the search engines. Most of the off page optimization involves the creation of backlinks.

For a simple explanation, backlinks are simply having other websites or pages carry a link to your site within their site or on one of their webpages. Backlinks can be achieved through a variety of techniques. Some examples of those techniques are:

1. social bookmarking

2. blog comments

3. classified ads

4. web directories

5. article directories

6. and more...

It's important to note that all backlinks are not created equal. To get the most bang for your backlink buck, try to get your links on sites that have high PR rank, are related to the topic of your site, and carry a "do follow" attribute.

Applying these techniques will help improve your search engine rankings. And these methods are definitely the best advice for how to get better search engine placement.

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Search Engine Indexing - 12 Tips to Get Your Site Indexed Fast by Google

Search engine indexing is the process by which your site gets indexed by search engines. Once you have completed your blog or website, it follows naturally that you want to get your blog or website indexed as quickly as possible. Search engine indexing is done by search engines using spiders and robots to index websites. How a website gets indexed by Google and obtains a particular search engine ranking is a closely guarded secret.

But to be indexed, Google has to know that your site exists. It is important to mention that your site must also be ready to be indexed and not blank or still under construction. So how do you get your site to be found quickly by Google?

Here are 12 tips to get your site indexed quickly:

Search Engine Indexing - 12 Tips to Get Your Site Indexed Fast by Google

1. Initiate a Google AdWords campaign, whereby you mention your website in your paid ads. Google will usually send out spiders to rate your quality score and this will simultaneously index your site.

2. Open or use your Google AdSense account and complete the necessary instructions to insert relevant Google ads. Again, a spider will be sent to crawl your site and it will get indexed.

3. Create an account with Google webmasters tool and add your site's URL.

4. Create a Google Analytics account and add your site's URL.

5. Periodically search for your website in Google using quotes around your URL. This should force the spiders to come quickly to inspect your site.

6. Try to get backlinks from websites which Google ranks highly. These can websites, social bookmarking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, news sites such as etc. The Google spiders will see this backlink as being important and will soon visit your site.

7. Submit your website' Google sitemap to the search engines. This special sitemap is not able to be human read but is designed specifically to be read by Google's spiders.

8. Insert your links when creating articles, comments on forums, blogs, and other sites where you can leave your links. Preferably these are dofollow (or not nofollow) sites.

9. Pinging tools can also be used.

10. Use your Gmail account to email links to your website. As Gmail is owned by Google, the links in your email should be visible to Google.

11. Perform searches on your site using "" or "" or other Google advanced search operators

12. If your site has an RSS feed, submit this feed to Google.

Using the tips above, you are virtually guaranteed that your site will be indexed fast by Google.

This is usually the first step if your goal is to reach the top ten rankings.

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