Sunday, December 16, 2012

Social Bookmarking Software

Social bookmarking software is a dream come true for busy webmasters and writers as the number of social bookmark sites that have emerged in the last few years have added a new dimension to interactive communities online and the ability to share articles and important news.

Social bookmarking software has tapped into a massive market as like minded people share articles, tips and general advice through the massive social networking sites such as Digg and Furl that offer users the ability to tag keywords based on the relevant content.

In it's most simple form, social book marking is a way for online surfers to share and store information that they enjoy and this can have a powerful viral effect as social bookmarking software automates the task of individually bookmarking each site and incorporates the major social bookmark networks into a streamlined process for users which increases the exposure of content.

Social Bookmarking Software

Social bookmarking software is essential for the busy webmaster as even one good article can be shared and tagged with a relevant anchor text link keyword phrase across many networks and will often find a top 10 position at search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN as users tag the keyword phrase.

Social bookmarking online tools are now under development with additional features being added to keep up with recent developments and the big advantage that this method has is the accuracy of results as the users are defining relevant content rather than the search engines which often change their criteria.

Just check out many of the top internet blogs and you will notice that many of these high traffic content blogs offer users to facility to share the content and in many cases the webmaster will also be increasing their site traffic by using social bookmarking software to spread the word and encourage others to vote for their content.

Social Bookmarking Software
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