Tuesday, November 27, 2012

PIPL - A Different Search For Finding People And Numbers

When you set your mind to finding someone, or finding a way to contact them, you may feel that you can't quit looking until they have been found. Old classmates and roommates are often the targets of such a search, and old friends and relatives are also common search subjects. There are many great online sites that can help you locate someone, but they may not be quite as useful as the site Pipl.

Many people conducting searches find that they are frustrated in their quest because they are getting so much unrelated and useless information. Names can be common, even if you don't think so. The general search engines can be very useful, but you can have thousands of hits when searching for someone's location or phone number. That can be maddening, and there are very few of us that have time to sit and search through all of those results.

What you will find if you use Pipl is that the number of search hits you get is going to be much lower and much more focused. This is because Pipl is designed with the purpose of finding people and information about them, and it does not pull up all types of results. This site goes to what it calls the 'deep web' to find things that other searches do not find for various reasons.

PIPL - A Different Search For Finding People And Numbers

Enter what you know about someone when you go to Pipl, and then see what comes up. You may get a lot with just a name, but you may have to add more. You may very well find something that gives you someone's current number, or another type of clue that can lead you in that direction. The results are going to be pretty accurate, depending on how common or obscure a name may be. You can even try your own name first, or the name of your spouse, to see what comes up.

You won't find much help on Pipl if you have a number but don't know a name. You can try this type of search there, but you may find you have to go elsewhere for more. When that happens, search out a phone number lookup that works in reverse. You enter a number, and then see what comes up. There are quite a few pages that want to help you find out [http://www.tracethisphonenumber.com] the owner of a phone number. Try as many or as few as you need.

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Susan has an undying knack for tech gadgets and cool tech websites. You can check out her latest techie project--a tool to find out who owns a cell phone number--at [http://www.tracethisphonenumber.com]

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Friday, November 23, 2012

How to Make Instant Money Online Absolutely Free

Have you been looking for a way to make instant money online absolutely free? In today's economy it is getting more difficult for families to make enough income to meet the monthly budget. This is especially difficult where there are small children at home and mom cannot take an outside job. Dad also may be caught in a company cut back or be faced with an income reduction. Prices for food, clothing, gasoline, etc. keep going up but income side of budget stays the same or drops. Net worth also is dropping as home values and savings are decreasing. This is turning into a crisis for many families.

Families are looking for ways to bring extra income into the budget. Dad may have to look for a second job. Mom may look for some relative to take care of the children so she can find a job. Neither of these approaches is satisfactory for a good family life. That is why many smart families are looking to the internet for income that can be earned while staying home. However, this is scary as there are many scams online that sound too good to be true and, in fact, are. These make money online schemes will only take more money from the monthly budget. What to do? There are legitimate ways to make instant money online absolutely free. The best of these is Freebie Trading.

Freebie Trading is the perfect way for mom and dad to generate additional income on the internet while staying at home. Mom can work a few hours during the day while the children are napping or at school. Dad can work a few hours in the evening while mom puts the children to bed and finishes the dishes. The Freebie Trading sites are free to join and money can be made the first time you go to the site. Many families are starting to do this already but there is room for much more growth as it is a relatively new income approach. Yes, you can really make instant money online absolutely free.

How to Make Instant Money Online Absolutely Free

You say, "I am interested, but how do I check it out to make sure it is real, legitimate, and can bring in income from the start while costing me no money?" The best way to do this is to go on the internet and research it. My suggestion is to go to my link shown in the resource block.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to Solve Facebook Login Problems

Facebook is a ground-breaking sensation which has totally changed the way people communicate today. Immediate access can be obtained by any user who will register for a free membership by clicking the Facebook log in button. They are able to proceed to develop a network of friends, find long lost friends, keep in touch with colleagues as well as create social business networks or even improve customer feedback. Some folk even use it to run their businesses. Firms are also capitalizing on placing ads on this site due to the immense visitor traffic it receives. It has been said that just Americans alone spend more than 7 million hours on Facebook, so this can be an absolute gold mine for advertisers.

New users need not panic when they log into Facebook. It is an exciting experience for older folks who have never used computers once the simplicity and necessity of this website is recognized. First of all the site is accessed by typing www dot Facebook dot com. As soon as you click the go button, you will land on the Facebook login page. The login page is quite simple to understand. Rookies will surely have to register where as previously registered users will click on the login button. Facebook is no doubt an innovative and dynamic website because the developers are always improving the features and making it even more exciting for members.

A few special features recently noticed on the Facebook login screen include language customization; create a business page and mobile updates. Creating a company page on Facebook and inviting any associate or contact can be performed by clicking the "create a page" tab. You can do the same to form a band or a group with similar interests. In these modern times even cellphone users are able to log into Facebook. Which means people can always keep in touch. An additional feature worthy of note is the Developer tab on the Facebook login page. This feature was added in 2006 and is used by interested developers to create new applications that enhance user's experience on Facebook. One or more million developers are now working with the Facebook team to make the website more social.

How to Solve Facebook Login Problems

On Facebook, safety is an important aspect to consider when using it. Potential dangers should be prevented by users by being aware that though it is considered a safe place to exchange personal information precaution still needs to be observed. The privateness feature found on the login page or within one's own Facebook customization options may be used to prevent access by unknown strangers and block unwanted scrutiny. For that reason Facebook security is quite good. Nonetheless one still has to be careful about the information provided. Companies and potential employers sometimes use Facebook to check the background of the person; it is good to look presentable. It all is dependent upon why people use Facebook. On the other hand Facebook can work well for a person or company by creating a good impression or image.

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Facebook Login problems are as common as those on other websites. This does not only fall into the forgotten username or password category but also phishing problems which every major web service has to cope with. Visit our website to solve these problems! Visit http://www.ghacks.net/2009/10/17/facebook-login/ to solve the problems!

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Difference Between Strategy and Tactics

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." - Sun Tzu

What are the fundamental differences between strategy and tactics? Even the savviest on-line and off-line entrepreneurs frequently confuse the two.

Tactics are the day-to-day activities that are repeatable in your business and relatively clear-cut. Like blocking and tackling in football, they comprise the basic components of the jobs and the daily activities of any organization - or any business - no matter the size.

The Difference Between Strategy and Tactics

They are such things as SEO Campaigns, writing an article, creating a website, making a sales call, or perhaps joining an on-line community such as StomperNet, or Rich Schefren's Business Growth System. Tactics are specifically created and selected to reach particular and measurable objectives.

Tactics are the actual ways in which the strategies are executed. They may also include such things as newsletters, press releases, teleseminars, blogs, advertising, websites, and any other tool that your target markets are usually exposed to.

Tactics are easy to copy. If one company observes innovations in another company's products, for example, the observing company can easily duplicate what it has seen, or develop something comparable if straight duplication is not possible. As soon as the process or product is copied, the competitive advantage of the innovation recedes or disappears.

If you are not careful, tactics may end up being simply quick fixes that can bring short term gain, but they will not lead to long-term success unless rigorously applied; and they must be part of an overall plan for success. Therefore, it is critical to look at each tactic from the standpoint of what it will do to achieve your overall strategy.

Most businesses today tend to be tactically focused. You work diligently every day in your office, doing task after task, but most often without a strategic focus.
Being mainly tactically focused will result in a lot of ups and downs in your business, and very likely a long, slow (or very fast) decline in the value of your business.

Strategy, on the other hand, is perspective, that is, your Future Picture and direction. Strategy involves the "big picture" - the overall plan, and how those plans will achieve your goals and objectives. It involves deciding who the important stakeholders are, and which of them will be the recipients of your messages (i.e., "target audiences"), or the targets of your activities.
Your strategy is the framework, your compass that you will use to make decisions that will benefit the future outcome of your business. Strategy is the set of directions you make to enhance your situation and position within your overall market.

Without a well thought out strategy, your business is merely like a person wandering around uselessly in the dark. There is neither a planned direction of where to go in the future, nor which methods to use to get there. Tactics and strategy are always relative to one another, and together they bridge the gap between ends and means.

To succeed in your business environment, it is vital to plan a strategy that connects your activities to your overall plans. If you have a solid understanding of where you want to be at some defined point in the future, it becomes a relatively simple exercise to create a set of activities to get you there. If you know where you are going, there will be a way to get there - always.

Recognize that there is a difference between strategy and tactics, and do not confuse the two. The company that clearly understands that difference is the business that will be the most successful, the most durable - and the most profitable.

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Certified Professional Management Consultant Jim McCarthy currently works in Oceanside, CA with his wife, Career Consultant Barbara McCarthy.
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Starting a Social Networking Website From Scratch

You've seen MySpace, you've heard of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and all the other ones. What do these websites share? They are very popular social networks. Would you like to give it a shot also? In that case, this article will point you in the correct direction.

What do you want to achieve by building a social networking website?

Think about this thoroughly. It is crucial that you comprehend your ambitions early on so you can avoid getting frustrated later. There are usually a couple of options:

Starting a Social Networking Website From Scratch

- you are starting a social networking site for a real physical community you are a member of (e.g. your local soccerclub), with no financial ambitions.

- you are starting a niche community website for a group of people that you are perhaps a member of (or maybe not) with financial ambitions (you want to make some cash)

- you want to start a huge site, like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, with obvious financial ambitions.

Your ambitions and where you stands towards the community you are building a website for will determine your approach. In the following part, we will go over at the various options and the typical costs you can expect.

Starting a website for a a real physical community you are a member of

This is by far the most simple one, as a big chunk of the marketing will simply be word of mouth in your community. It's sufficient to have a person with some influence in the community promote the website (perhaps yourself) and the rest of the group will join.

To start from zero, as with any social network website project, you'll have to think about the needs of the community. Lets take an example. If you are starting a site for a soccerclub, the website will need things like groups, fan profiles, sharing of photos, event management calendar, etc.

Social networking sites are always built with the same basic principle: the goal it to provide online sharing and organisation tools for the members of the community. If you are starting a website for an existing community of which you are a part of, you should have a pretty good idea of what the people need.

Make a list of the functionalities you need, and compare this list to the features of social networking software packages like boonex, phpfox or Dzoic. These are complete out of the box social networking website scripts that you can upload on your website. If this seems complicated to you, you can often get help from the technicians at the customer service. If the service doesn't include this, take a look at the many freelancers available on elance.com for example. The average cost of such software is around 350$.

That might look like a lot of money, but the advantage is that you fully own the site and that you have complete control. You won't have any branding issues (your own logo and design will be on the website) either. If you are building a website for a community which really doesn't require all of this, you can do it a lot cheaper by creating a network at Ning. This is a website that permits people to create social networks on their hosting platform. A basic social network can be started for free.

Remember that when you choose this option, you will be completely dependent on Ning. The name of your website will include Ning, the layout will have Ning all over it, and changing any of this will cost money. You'll have very limited control over your network: it is hosted by Ning, implying that if Ning goes belly-up - so does your site.

So think about this thoroughly, check out Ning and check out some of the out of the box social networking software scripts if you want something more robust and reliable.

Starting a niche social networking site with financial ambitions

Excellent move! You have recognized that there is a huge stack of money out there waiting to be picked up. Niche social networking websites have been around since the dawn of the inet (remember yahoo groups? mIRC)? The difference is the fantastic technology we all have available now.

Facebook is excellent for superficial networking. LinkedIn is great for professional contacts. These sites however do not permit the users to be anonymous (that would be completely besides the point of these sites), implying that members can rarely express themselves fully. And there comes the need for niche networks where members can meet & share all they want without their real-life social networks ever finding out!

There are quite a few methods you can use to make this profitable. There is the obvious way of using AdSense on the networks, or affiliate links. There is off course is the huge e-mailing list you could acquire from having your own niche site. Put all this together, and a popular social network you own could be your new personal piggybank.

If this sounds exiting to you, you'll need to thoroughly think about the following:

What does the community require?

Again, this is the basis for any successful social networking project. Go deep! Here is an example. If you are building a social network for people with insomnia problems, you could have the "what are you doing now" feature of most profiles customized to: "how many hours awake".

Having nifty things like this will greatly enhance member experience. The members will feel like they are part of a community tailored to them, rather than being on a community website with features they don't need.

You'll have already understood that Ning is not an option here. You need full control over the website. If your budget is limited (e.g. below 500$), you'll have to find a social networking script that meets your needs as much as possible to limit the cost of customization afterwards. These software packages are usually open source, implying that you can change whatever you desire. This means that if you do not have developing skills, you are going to need a developer to do it for you. To reduce your costs, get a script that meets your requirements already as much as possible. To find a developer, you can usually refer to the forum of the developers of the site - there are plenty of young programmers out there who are willing to help you out for a very reasonable amount of money. You can also try a freelancing website.

Before starting the site, you'll have to think about how you will seduce members to join you. If you know people inside the community already, then that is a very good head start. You can speak to them and try to get them on board. You'll need to hit existing forums, maybe place a Google ad, or write articles (like the one you are reading now), etc.

You want to create the next huge thing like Facebook, MySpace...

Ok, knowing that you have most likely typed something like "how to start a social networking site", I am going to assume that you are not a developer. This implies that you will not be able to shake a social network out of your sleeve in the next couple of days.

All is not lost however. First of all, get help. Find a group of people who like the idea, and put your minds together. If you can get financing from somewhere, go for it. That's what you'll need to start developing a site that does exactly what you want it to do, with security, powerful servers and everything!

If you've got a great idea - try applying the same method as for niche networks - but think about getting financing as soon as possible. One you hit a hundred thousand users, your network will grow very quickly and you will pay huge amounts of money for the servers to host all of this!

If you are dreaming about the next big thing, experiment a bit beforehand - create some groups on Facebook and see what it takes to get people to join for example


- small community websites can be created using Ning
- advanced, robust niche networks can be built using social networking scripts that come out of the box
- ideas for huge networks need financing early on to become a hit

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Looking for social networking software to get you started? Below software review site will show you which one to pick:


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Thursday, November 8, 2012

How to Have Celebration of Life Event Instead of a Funeral

A friend or relative has passed away and you have been asked to plan a memorial service. Perhaps your loved one doesn't belong to a church or the family want a celebration rather than a sad funeral. Or perhaps the person was what is now termed as "spiritual, not religious". That usually means they believed in God in some form, but didn't adhere to the religious dictates of any one religion or church.Here are some useful tips and techniques to get started.

There are many ways to honor this life you esteem that are not held in a church per se and are not administered by a church person. The key is the reverence and compassion that goes into the planning, the personal details that are attended to and the respect and love that is present at the celebration. Here are some things to help you think through what you want at a Celebration of Life event. Gather select family members and close friends and think through some of the following.

1. Decide how many people will come

How to Have Celebration of Life Event Instead of a Funeral

If your loved one had tons of friends and business contacts, then plan on 100 or more. Ask one of his/her business associates what to expect from that aspect of the person's life. How many relatives will come? If this is a person under age 18 count on many more. If the person is in public life try to estimate how many members of the public may attend. Getting a rough number will help determine the size of the location you will need.

2. Select a place that is warm and inviting

Some ideas for a Celebration of Life event are the same as selecting a place for a wedding. Ideas for outside celebrations include gardens, parks, ocean beaches, national and state parks, and wineries. Inside ideas are large houses, places where dances are held, club houses, bed and breakfast inns, even hotel meeting rooms can be warmed up! Of course that all comes at a cost, but it is convenient. Try to select a space that is not going to packed in, but also not so large that the celebration gets lost in the space.

3. Decide on the date and time.

Selecting a weekend date allows people to come from out-of-town. If the person has asked to be cremated the celebration can be as long as a month or more away. This allows time for preparation, thoughtful reflection, preparation of slide shows, old pictures, etc. All of these take time and add a loving touch. The time of day depends on whether or not you are going to have a sit down or cafeteria-style meal or just hors d'oeuvres and drinks.

4. Get the word out

One way to do this is to go through the person's email list and send notices. Placing an "ad" in the appropriate newspapers, although it is not inexpensive, is a good way. Lots of people read the obituaries every day. (Call your newspaper to check on their rates.) Set up a phone tree by calling 10 to 20 people from the person's life (work, relatives, friends, social clubs, neighbors) and ask them to call the people they believe will want to attend.

5. Plan the food

The easiest and least time consuming way to do this is to have a caterer take care of the food. Whether it is hors d'oeuvres or a full meal, the caterer will bring the food, the dishes, the silverware the linens, even the tables, everything needed. At the end of the day, they whisk it all away. However many people find it comforting to have a do-it yourself cooking gathering the day before the celebration and pitch in together to do the preparations. Potlucks are also perfectly appropriate. For generations friends and neighbors have provided the family of the deceased with food. Often we like doing it. It makes us feel we have helped in some way. So don't hesitate to announce that it is a potluck.

6. Make a Decision About Flowers and Donations

Many people ask attendees, not to bring flowers and to make a donation to a favorite charity of their choosing or one that was a favorite of the deceased. Since a decent bouquet costs over this can be a real boon to the charity.

7. Select Decorations or a Theme

This isn't always necessary, but since you will want to provide a program of some sort, flower arrangements baskets and note cards for leaving the family condolences or placing cards, you may wish to create a color scheme so that the room looks pulled together. Cream and one other color is often a safe and tasteful choice.

8. Decide On The Contents of The Program

Select someone who is good with computer graphics to do your program. Besides listing who will be speaking or performing, you may wish to include a favorite poem or saying, a prayer or a meaningful graphic or other things appropriate to your person. Think of the person's nationality, culture, interests for clues on this. A simple cream-colored 81/2 by 11 paper folded over is easy. Depending on your time and resources you may wish to make it more elaborate.

9. Decide Who Will Do What

The day of the celebration you will need the following duties filled by people you can trust to be responsible.


oMaster or Mistress of Ceremony:

oFour to Six honors or Remembrances:

oOne Person to Circulate So The Attendees Can Speak:

oClean Up Crew:

There are many thoughtful ways to personalize a Celebration Of Life event. One family of an inveterate and voracious reader put all her books out and asked the participants to go through them and take as many as they wished. Those attending found it touching to have such an appropriate remembrance and selected those that had been dog-eared and underlined as well as those that didn't seem to have been read yet. The family designed a bookmark that matched their programs and had a quote about books on it.

Did your person have a passionate interest, a favorite hobby, or love a certain kind of music or dance? Did he/she have a collection of something that no one in the family wants, but having one piece would be a nice remembrance for the people who helped out? One friend loved scarves and had over thirty scarves and wraps, so they put those out for people.

Many churches go along with the family on informal celebrations and have only a couple prayers, so you don't have to rule them out. If your loved one was not a regular attendee of the church you will probably be asked to pay rent of some type. But many churches are lovely and give comfort to those who are religious among the family. One more thought. You may not wish to have your Celebration in a church, but you can still ask a minister, spiritual leader or friend to say a prayer.

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For many more tips, techniques and useful forms for staying organized you may be interested in "How To Plan A Celebration Of Lie Memorial Instead of a Funeral A Step by Step Guide. Go to: http://www.celebratinglifememorials.com/Celebrate_Life/Home.html. Norma Smith Davis is a management consultant and can be reached at her website http://www.KeyManagementSkills.com

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Advantages of Social Bookmarking

I use several sites to ensure that I get the most from social bookmarking as a method of site promotion. This is not entirely a self promotion tactic. I use it for general bookmarking as well, making new and interesting friends and keeping abreast of all the changes that take place in the online industry. There are many ways in which one can manipulate social bookmarking to their advantage and while this may not be entirely unethical one should remember that social sites are there to socialize.

Build up your list of 'friends', make contacts, get real conversations going and you can be assured that you will continue to grow your online business as well as a continued success with your chosen field.

There at least a hundred different social sites and all offer a different and sometimes unique way of interacting with others. Go through them and sign up. I suggest installing a password manager such as the open source 'LastPass' in order to keep all your passwords in order. Remember that it is good practice to generate secure passwords that will allow your network to remain secure. Keep a record of the sites that you have just signed up to and remember to visit daily and offer the other users something of interest to read, rate and enjoy just as you will want the same.

Advantages of Social Bookmarking

Another important factor is ensuring that you have an updated profile. This is important because this determines how trustworthy you are to the other online socializes and give you more credibility. Forget about using a picture of your dog or cat! A proper head shot is all that is needed. Once you begin to grow your network you can the watch as your visitor traffic starts to grow and your revenue increases.

I use these methods on all my client sites including Nearly Illicit Magazine and it has worked amazingly well for me. However, one needs to remember to exercise caution and work smartly in order to obtain the desired result.

You don't always have to hire another company to do your Search Engine Optimization - You can always do it yourself with careful planning and complete understanding of the system. Social Bookmarking is just one of the methods used to rank a site for keywords.

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